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JoeScan 3D laser scanners are made for sawmills. We have more than 5000 scanners installed in sawmills all over the world, and our very first scanners are still running strong, over 20 years later. Since 2002 we’ve developed strong partnerships with optimization integrators across the globe, and our scanners can be found in sawmills on 6 continents. When someone builds a sawmill in Antarctica, we'll be there too!

JoeScans are simple and reliable. They are built to withstand the harsh conditions of a sawmill environment, including high levels of moisture, dust, and vibration. This means our scanners can continue to provide accurate measurements and reliable data even in the toughest conditions. We include a 5 year warranty and 10 year support period with every scanner. If you need help, we have the people that designed and built your scan heads answering the phone to get you back up and cutting wood as fast as possible.

Our latest JS-50 models deliver fast and accurate scans throughout the modern optimized sawmill. We design each model to deliver the best results for specific machine centers. From your bucking line, to your carriage, to your gang, end-dogger, edger, and trimmer, JoeScan can help you to improve the recovery, grade, and value of every cut you make. Visit JoeScan.com to see a list of our global partners and learn more about sawmill scanning.