
Micor Tooling

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Micor Tooling
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Micor Tooling offers a complete range of saw blades, band saw blades, planing tools, moulders and PCD tools. At our three manufacturing sites in Sweden, as well as in Finland, we produce our world-leading brands, Micor, Langshyttan, BBM and LTT, which are sold to over 40 countries worldwide. Building on our combined know-how of more than 150 years, we know what is required. Thanks to Micor Tooling’s multiple production sites, we can ensure short lead times and flexibility when service counts.

The aim of Micor Tooling is to develop highly efficient tools, create innovative ideas and set sustainable trends. These innovations not only make our production processes faster, more flexible, and more cost-effective, but also allow us to combine caring for the environment and economy with the best machining quality. At Micor Tooling, craftmanship and personal commitment, combined with ongoing efforts to improve and develop our capabilities, lets us achieve aconsistent high level of quality. Micor Tooling uses renewable energy and is fully ISO – 9001 / 14001-certified.